Freshmen Camp

The most awaited event of summer for freshmen is the Freshman Camp, or as we call it the Stork Camp. 
This is the first chance for freshmen to meet one another, make lasting friendships, connections which will help them during the upcoming semesters. It’s a good feeling on the first week of school to see many familiar faces with whom you can have a good time sharing stories. 
Moreover, here you’ll meet the organizers and team captains, who are upper year students. Knowing them can be advantageous especially when questions emerge in the middle of the semester, for which they will most likely know the answer to. 
If you are going to be a freshman, here also known as a stork, we invite You to the Freshmen Camp where you’ll be having an amazing time, bringing home unforgettable memories. 



Pint and Ring Dedication Evening

Pint and Ring dedication evening is one of our most prestigious events. Where, after the huge party in the Freshmen Camp, new students can participate in a more elegant occasion. 
The Pint dedication part is about the freshmen. Because, as they have just started their studies at Neumann János faculty of Informatics, they need to be baptised at this very event, so they could call themselves real student of NIK. 
The other part, Ring dedication evening is all about the graduating students! Whom are ending their long lasting memories on the university, and a long phase of their life through this event. 
Furthermore, on this special occasion the instructors are taking a part of. They aren’t just monitoring, but participate as well. So both the students and the instructors get a chance to build a relationship. 


Geekday is one of the most special professional event of John Von Neumann Information Faculty where student/contestants forming teams of 3-4 compete against each other. Having to solve a complex programming task, usually containing a number of smaller modules, the subtasks are easily distributable among the team members. Having a comprehensive programming knowledge could come in handy since many times the submodules need 3-4 languages to be implemented. Apart from these you could get bonus point for a nice, tidy, structured code or for how short it is. 
And the fun in all of this is that the teams have 24 hours to accomplish the task. 24 hours that they have to spent at the University together. Since programming can be tiring in itself, let alone a with pace this fast, Neumann HÖK is taking care of food, drinks and coffee for the contestants. 
If you feel like you want to test yourself and you could most definitely take home the prize then watch the feeds and when it is time apply! If you are having doubts about your skills you should try yourself out anyway. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills and improving the ones you already have. Either way you have nothing to lose! 



A NIKEWAR E-Sport Bajnokság az óbudais hallgatók egyik kedvenc eseménye, amit már több alkalommal is megszerveztünk a hallgatóság számára. Ha szeretnétek kiengedni a gőzt, vagy meg szeretnétek magatokat mérettetni az Óbudai Egyetem legjobbjaival, akkor itt a helyetek. Az E-Sport Bajnokság minden évben online kerül megrendezésre. Az aktuális játékfelhozatal a hallgatók igényeitől függ. A legnépszerűbb játékok eddig a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive és a League of Legends mellett a Rocket League voltak. A döntő meccseket élőben közvetítjük az érdeklődők számára a NIK HÖK Twitch csatornáján.

Freshmen Ship

The Freshman Ship might be the most interesting and entertaining event of our University. Student of all faculties, freshmen and upper year student alike love to come here to have a summer closing party. The party’s specialty is that it takes place on a ship and lasts for a whole day. 
The ship sets sail from Vigadó square in the morning, and arrives back there in the Evening. In the meantime the students of Óbuda University sail to Visegrád where they spend a few hours either going up the mountain to reach the bobsled or just have a nice walk along the Danube. 
If you’ve never been to this event, then you should definitely grab this opportunity and we will guarantee it will be unforgettable hearing the chanting of our university’s songs and the unusual tradition when we go under a bridge. 



Registration week is an important time for all students. This is the time when our schedule takes is final appearance and smaller or bigger administration takes place before the semester starts. Everybody is a little bit sad that summer is ending. The freshmen are thrown into a completely new environment, and the upper year students start to visit the building of our faculty again this time of the year. 
To make the transition go smoother between the summer and the start of the year we organize a series of events called the Reg7. 
The programs may vary, but we guarantee that there will be no lack of getting to know new people at the Freshman Picnic  or the Pub Tour.