
The informations on this page is not official and is not considered a reference in any academic matter. We take no responsibility for errors in the curriculum network or any negative consequences resulting from the missinterpretation of the network! In any case, check the prerequisites of the subjects in Neptun and announcements of the Registrar’s Office!


he purpose of the site is to help students with an interactive representation of the curriculum network. The page can display subjects that have already been completed, subjects that the student can currently take, and other requirements.

The system manages subjects completed without fulfilling the prerequisites. Press the Ctrl key and click on the name of the given object!

  • Cannot take
  • Able to take
  • Completed
  • Direct requirements
  • Requirement for
  • No following requirements

0 credit


You can save your progress in your studies with the code below. You can later restore it with the code.